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Intercultural Relatioships


While every relationship requires good care and attention, intercultural relationships require more care and attention.  While intercultural relationships enjoy and celebrate differences and similarities, they have extra challenges.  Differences in up-bringing, family tradition, religion, and parenting, to name a few.  When we encounter difficulties in intercultural relationships, we have more things to take in consideration and sort out.  But the experience is a great way to self-knowledge and growth. 




While living in many different cultures past over 30 years, I have acquired my education and professional training, have been experiencing intercultural marriage, raising my adopted children and working as a professional.  I have learned to appreciate and integrate the differences.  With my personal experience combine with my professional training, I specialize treating issues arise in intercultural relationships such as intercultural marriages, intercultural adoptees and parents, international students, immigrants and so forth.  It is my passion to help people in intercultural relationships.


Note: The word “Intercultural” is interchangeable with Interracial, Transracial, Interethnic, International, Cross-cultural, Mixed, and so forth. 

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